Friday 4:00 PM is ON, Saturday is cancelled. Explanation below.
- Friday: meet at 4:00 PM along the park road at access C1 (near park entrance) to help unload 2 tons of turfstones. We have 5 people confirmed and could use only a few more. Bring work gloves.
- Saturday - CANCELLED: The plan was to meet at 10:00 AM and haul a 4-ton trailer load of purchased dirt to use along with the turfstones to rebuild a berm on trail C. But our dirt supplier (JSG, next to Freedom Park) is not loading dirt now because their dirt source is still covered in snow. So we considered some smaller projects using pushpiles of dirt at Freedom Park, but one of our project leaders was on site and said that the ground is frozen and digging will be no good.
- So we’ll look for the earliest chance to reschedule, which will probably be at least a few weeks out. Sorry!