EVMA Meeting Minutes March 7, 2015
1.) Annual Election
- All positions were uncontested. Our new club officers are:
- President - Jim Irby
- Treasurer - Crystal Richardson (continuing)
- Trails Manager - Harry Carraway (continuing)
- Secretary - Elisa Panetta
- Group Ride Coordinator - Penny Rich
- Webmaster - Mike Mumford
- Events Coordinator remains vacant. If you are interested in coordinating events, or coordinating just one event, please contact one of the club officers!
A big THANK YOU! was extended to our outgoing officers, Past-President, Mike Benton, and Secretary ErinTyler. Thank you both for your leadership & great service to the club! Erin has moved to Seattle. We will miss you Erin!
2.) 2015 Projects
We have no large projects on the Horizon.
We will be working with park management at Wahrani in the coming months to provide better signage and improve some bridges.
3.) Current Business
- An important reminder for all members: PLEASE use family friendly language and civil behavior at all EVMA rides and events. We are all representatives of our organization and children are often present.
- Jim is working on an annual working budget for the club for ongoing yearly budgeting.
- The board is considering long term planning and goals for the club.
- The board is working on a risk management policy for the club.
Trail Inspection
As part of risk management, the club is establishing standardized safety inspection of trails, features, and signage, to be performed by the park trail captains monthly. The Trails Commission is continuing to establish standards and inspection forms. Trail inspections and volunteer trail work hours are logged on the website.
Our current insurance policy will be up for renewal soon. The board is recommending a lower cost insurance policy with a narrower scope, since there are no plans to build new trails this year, and limited term policies can be added if a new project is undertaken. The potential savings is as much as $1500. Trail maintenance and trail use liability is covered under the each respective park's insurance. There is a need to meet with all of the land managers to clarify the liability limits and requirements for coverage at each park. The board is still analyzing the different insurance options' costs and benefits.
6.) Treasurer's Report
- No expenditures in February.
- General Fund Balance: $4416.04
- Trail Fund Balance: $5946.98
- Checking Account: $10,363.02
- Savings Account: $674.55
- W.O.Y.W. Fund: $52.00
7.) Upcoming Expenses/ Purchases
- Freedom Park C - dirt jump/ table top ($500)
- Kids To Parks Event at YRSP ($150)
- Wednesdays On Your Wheel Race Series ($250)
- YRSP Pump Track ($500)
- Quick Books Software ($200-$300)
Calendar for Year
Events will be maintained on the EVMA website calendar.
- Group Rides will continue to be on the 1st and 3rd weekends of each month
- There will be no membership meeting in May or July due to holiday and event conflicts
- The Sept 5th meeting will be held onsite at the camping trip
- The Annual Election will be held at the December 5th meeting. New officers will "shadow" the current officers until they complete their term in March, 2016.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday March 14th, Trail Maintenance at York River State Park. Meet Kirk at 9:00am at the maintenance area (by Ranger's housing).
- Remaining March Group Rides are March 21st at Freedom Park, and March 22nd at YRSP. If there is rain the day before the Freedom Park Ride, the ride moves to YRSP.
- We are helping with a volunteer clean up of the Lake Maury Natural Area Trails in Newport News, Sunday, March 15th. Please see the event on Facebook, and note necessary driving detours due to a marathon closing part of Warwick Blvd. https://www.facebook.com/events/1557228617866750/
- April 4th Club Meeting & Lunch Freedom Park
- Group Rides are April 4th & 18th at YRSP, and April 5th & 19th at New Quarter Park & Harwood Mills
- April 3rd Single Track High movie shows at the Williamsburg Library. Intro at 5:45pm, movie at 6:00pm
- Wednesdays On Your Wheel Race Series at New Quarter Park starts. Pre-Rides April 11th @ 10:00am, April 12 @1:00pm. Races start April 15th. Details at: http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Portals/0/publicinfo/2015-029.pdf Watch for a sign-up genius email for volunteer opportunities.
- The EVMA Spring Camping trip to Raystown Lake, PA Join us April 30 thru May 3rd. See details and sign up at: http://www.evma.org/event-1836747
- No club meeting this month
- May 2nd NQP 30th Anniversary Celebration. All day event with trail rides, kayaking, bird watching etc . . . Volunteers are needed to lead rides, staff tent, and assist with parking. Call Todd Smith at 564-1049 to volunteer.
- May 9th Single Track Maniac Run at Freedom Park - most trails will be closed to cyclists for this cross country track event. Volunteer opportunity for trail clean-up
- WOYW race series continue & conclude this month at New Quarter Park.
- May 16th York River State Park Kids to Parks Day. Volunteer opportunity - EVMA will have a tent and serve grilled hotdogs & chicken. Penny Rich is coordinating.
10.) Trail Status
* All parks have winter debris/ trees down and are in need of volunteer maintenance. If everyone who rides clears a few limbs, we'll have clear trails in no time! Please email Trails@EVMA.org to report problems, or report your volunteer work hours.
- Marl Ravine ride direction is reversed for the month of March.
- Wahrani needs maintenance, clean-up & signage. New Kent will be providing $1000 for signage. Additional funding will be needed for maintenance. Steve Maxey is coordinating with the county.
- Upper County may lose much of the existing single track to a property line dispute. Future trail rerouting will likely be necessary.
- Freedom Park has been very wet, and basic inspection and maintenance are needed.
- Indian River & New Quarter - no updates, inspection needed.
- Harwood Mills Trail A reroute is complete; Needs ridden in.
- YRSP trees down on JBT & Marl Ravine. Removal scheduled 3/14 @ 9:00am
11.) Jersey Order
We are 2 short of a minimum order, but will submit the order soon. Please contact Jim Irby or Penny Rich if you want a jersey!