Good Afternoon, EVMA Members!
Here's what's happening this week in the wonderful world of local mountain biking:
Trail Work Day This Sunday!
- Sunday May 31st 9am - Wahrani Trail Work Day Join us at Wahrani Nature trail at 9am for a trail work day. We'll be removing the old trail markers and replacing them with new trail signage, and trimming a few sections of trail.
Upcoming Events
- June 6th EVMA Club Meeting Noon at Freedom Park. We'll be grilling burgers. Lunch will be at noon, followed by the meeting.
- Dirt Divas & Beginner Mountain Bike Rides June 6th at Freedom Park, 9:00 AM
Fall Trip Planning
It is time to make a reservation for the fall trip to Douthat State Park. We are considering the weekends of Sept 11th or 18th. If you haven't done so already, please check the top post on our Facebook page to offer an opinion on which is better and if you might attend. Remember the UCI World Championships are in Richmond Sept 19th through 27th. Several people will be attending.
Group Rides
- June 6th 9:00 am Freedom Park - Dirt Divas & Beginner Ride
- Snakes -N- bugs The ticks and biting flies are out, and the first copperheads of the year have been sighted at NQP, YRSP & Freedom. Recent rains have made great conditions for ground-dwelling wasps to dig also. Keep a sharp eye out for hazardous critters, and use precautions against ticks. See our Facebook post on ticks and Lyme disease. Remember most snakes are harmless, but all of our trails are in Copperhead habitat. Learn friend from foe at the Virginia Herpetological Society website, but please don't harm any snakes.
- Be a ride leader Bring a clip board with a sign-in page & collect the signatures of riders participating in the EVMA group ride. Contact Penny Rich to volunteer.
- Cooks Needed to grill and volunteers to provide a side dish or dessert for the EVMA Club Meeting, Saturday, June 6th. We'll be providing the burgers. A veggie option will be available.
- Events Coordinator needed contact Jim Irby for more info, or to volunteer.
- Fall Trip Organizer needed. Mostly involves showing up at the park and guiding parking, etc. . . Once again, email Jim Irby to volunteer.
Keep the rubber side down, & enjoy your week!