Hello EVMA Members,
Here's what's up in the wild world of local mountain biking:
Events This Week
- Camping trip at Stokesville, VA May 27th-30th, during Trail Fest ($100 per person). Register on BikeReg. Online Registration closes at 10pm tonight
- Freedom Park Trails are Open and should remain open through Saturday. Sunday's weather forecast may muddy things up a bit, so call before you ride!
Next Week
- Saturday, June 4th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides. Noon: A brief Membership Meeting & Pizza lunch. We'll be discussing the fall camping trip and improvements to New Quarter Park and Wahrani Nature Trail. This meeting will be short and sweet!
- Sunday, June 5th 9am Group Ride at NQP
- Sunday, June 5th 1pm Youth Race Series at NQP: Final Spring Season Race
Future Rides and Events
- August 6th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
- October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
- November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
- December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
- Sept 23rd - suggested date for fall trip - we'll be discussing options and dates at the June meeting!
Enjoy your weekend!