Saturday February 3rd – Group ride at Freedom Park followed by EVMA club meeting at noon. Join us for a ride and lunch.
November 8th, 2017- March 7th, 2018 – Night rides are still happening Tuesdays at Harwoods Mill, Wednesdays at New Quarter Park, and Thursdays at Freedom Park. All rides start PROMPTLY at 6 pm (which means be ready to go at 6) and end by 7:45. All riders must be out of the park by 8:00 pm. Jump on Facebook if you plan to ride. Make a plan to come out and ride after work and hang out with your mountain bike friends!
Volunteers Needed – Could you be a ride leader (and no, you don’t have to be in the front of the group). The club wants to schedule more group rides. If you would be able to lead a group ride once a month or even less, it would be helpful. Contact Jim Irby or Penny Rich if you are willing to help out.
Club Tee Shirt Sale $10There are a few tech tees left, mostly small, extra small, and youth sizes in gray and blue.