Eastern Virginia Mountain Bike Association

Building, Riding and Maintaining Trails in Southeastern Virginia since 1988


  • November 03, 2016 8:25 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Here's what's happening in the incredible world of local mountain biking!

    Events Coming Up:

    • Membership Meeting November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
      • We will be discussing group rides, trail projects, and new volunteers, please plan to attend! Did we mention there is lunch? NomNom!
    • November 10 6pm First Freedom Park Night Ride see the details on the event page.
    • Now - Dec 31st Marl Ravine trail at YRSP reverses direction. Reverse direction is not optional! Please follow the signs and exercise caution. So. Much. Fun.
    Volunteers Rock
    • Thank You! - to all of the volunteers who worked the EVMA tent at the Tidewater Challenge & helped with the event in general!

    Future Rides and Events

    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration

    Calling All Night Riders!

    FUN FACT All of our parks are closed at night. Anyone using the trails at night without the express permission of the park management is trespassing and damaging the fine reputation our mountain bike community has worked long and hard to build. Please ride our trails only during sanctioned EVMA night ride events.

    We had a great response to our Facebook question about night rides.  Now we need more ride leaders/coordinators to step up. 

    • The ride leader will be responsible for the coordination of the sign in sheet and to make sure everyone is off the trail. If the ride breaks into two (fast and slow), he/she will need to coordinate the groups so that everyone is out. 
    • Most  night rides will pedal off at 6pm and be done around 7:30. At Freedom Park, all riders must be off trail by 7:30 and out of Park by 8 when the rangers lock the gate.
    • The ride leader will also make the call for cancellation due to inclement weather. Facebook events can be used to coordinate.

    If you are willing to volunteer, please post up or email Jim Irby.  Without volunteers, these rides will not happen

    Club Elections

    It is that time of year again for club elections. If you are interested, the club needs volunteers. Most of the Board said they would continue for now but all positions are open. The club definitely could use volunteers organizing group rides, club meetings, social events, trail captains, and camping trips. Without volunteers, these things will not happen.

    Remember to set your clocks back Saturday Night, and have a great weekend!.

  • October 28, 2016 4:26 PM | Deleted user

    Here's what's happening in the wild world of local mountain biking!

    Events Coming Up:

    • October 29th & 30th Tidewater Challenge Mountain Bike Race  - We'll have a tent, Volunteers to staff it are welcomed!
    • October 1st - Dec 31st Marl Ravine trail at YRSP reverses direction. Reverse direction is not optional! Please follow the signs and exercise caution. So. Much. Fun!
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides

    Dirt Divas now have their own Group Page on Facebook: Get the latest news on local women's cycling events and group rides.  Join Here

    Future Rides and Events

    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
      • We will be discussing group rides, trail projects, and new volunteers, please attend
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration
    Night Rides  

    We had a great response to our  Facebook question about night rides.  Now we need ride leaders/coordinators. 

    • The ride leader will be responsible for the coordination of the sign in sheet and to make sure everyone is off the trail. If the ride breaks into two( fast and slow), he/she will need to coordinate the groups so that everyone is out. 

    Most rides will pedal off at 6pm and be done around 7:30. At Freedom Park, all riders must be off trail by 7:30 and out of Park by 8 when the rangers lock the gate.

    The ride leader will also make the call for cancellation due to inclement weather. Facebook events can be used to coordinate.

    If you are willing to volunteer, please post up or email Jim Irby.

    Without volunteers, these rides will not happen

    Kudos! We had a very productive work day at the park working with the Friends of IR. Several bridges repaired and trails cleared.  Excellent meeting the Friends group to coordinate activity at the park. A big thank you to Tim Stephens for volunteering to be trail captain.  Let's keep up the good work.

    Club Elections

    It is that time of year again for club elections. If you are interested, the club needs volunteers. Most of the Board said they would continue for now but all positions are open. The club definitely could use volunteers organizing group rides, club meetings, social events, trail captains, and camping trips. Without volunteers, these things will not happen.

    Enjoy the Fall weather, and have a great weekend!.

  • October 13, 2016 9:43 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Here's what's happening in the wild world of local mountain biking, where "Fall" is both a season, and a thing that trees do!

    Events this Month:

    • October is National Every Mountain Biker Removes Debris From The Trail Month!  Okay, we may have made that up, but recent storms have left a mess in every park that will "take a village" to clean up. Thank you to the many EVMA members that have already made concerted efforts to clear trails. Everyone else, please help out in what ever capacity you can. Also, watch the EVMA Facebook Page and EVMA Chatter for opportunities to help Trail Captains clear large trees. Please do not create ride arounds or log piles over downed trees. 
    • CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS October 22nd 9am-1pm Indian River Trail Work Day hosted by the EVMA & Friends of Indian River Park. Flood conditions made IRP especially vulnerable to high winds, and many trees came down.  We will need a lot of volunteers to help with the clean up. Join and see the Event Page for details.
    • October 29th & 30th Tidewater Challenge Mountain Bike Race 
    • October 1st - Dec 31st Marl Ravine trail at YRSP reverses direction. Reverse direction is not optional! Please follow the signs and exercise caution. So. Much. Fun!

    Dirt Divas now have their own Group Page on Facebook: Get the latest news on local women's cycling events and group rides.  Join Here

    Future Rides and Events

    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration

    New Trail Captain at Indian River  - Thank you, Tim Stephens, for volunteering to be the Trail Captain of IRP! Tim will be coordinating with the Parks Dept and The Friends of Indian River on trail maintenance and clean-up.  Yay, Tim! 

    Enjoy the Fall weather, and have a great weekend!

  • September 30, 2016 2:27 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Here's what's happening in the crazy world of local mountain biking!

    Events this weekend

    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides.  Please see EVMA Chatter  for the note from Penny regarding Dirt Divas, and in the morning for trail and ride status.
    • *** There will be no Membership Meeting in October ***
    • October 1st - Dec 31st Marl Ravine trail at YRSP reverses direction. Reverse direction is not optional! Please follow the signs and exercise caution. So. Much. Fun!
    Dirt Divas now have their own Group Page on Facebook! Get the latest news on local women's cycling events and group rides.  Join Here

    Future Rides and Events

    • September - no meeting or scheduled group rides due to holiday weekend & camping trip
    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides. *** There will be no Membership Meeting in October ***
    • October 1st - Dec 31st Marl Ravine trail at YRSP reverses direction. Reverse direction is not optional! Please follow the signs and exercise caution.
    • October 22nd 9am-1pm Indian River Trail Work Day at  hosted by the EVMA & Friends of Indian River Park. Join and see the Event Page for details
    • October 29th & 30th Tidewater Challenge Mountain Bike Race 
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration

    Call for Trail Captain at Indian River  - IRP is nearly impossible to manage in a way that meets our trail building and maintenance standards, however, we remain committed to keeping trail access open, because it is the only legal mountain bike trail on the South side. South siders, we need your help! Contact Jim Irby to volunteer as a trail captain or in another capacity.  

    Keep the rubber side down, and have a great weekend!

  • August 26, 2016 12:45 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Here's what's happening this weekend in the awesome world of local mountain biking!

    Events this weekend

    • August 27 (am - 3pm) Estuaries Day at York River State Park - watch for ride announcements. Interested in leading a group ride or volunteering? Contact Penny Rich.
    • August 28 1pm-3pm New Quarter Park Williamsburg Youth Racing Fall series Pre-ride. Race Dates: September 11th, 25th, & October 2nd. October 9th rain date. Registration opens at 12:45, Races begin at 1:30. Join the closed Facebook Group, Williamsburg Area Youth Cycling to see updates, weather cancellations, and more.
    Dirt Divas now have their own Group Page on Facebook! Get the latest news on local women's cycling events and group rides.  Join Here

    Future Rides and Events

    • September - no meeting or scheduled rides due to holiday weekend & camping trip (see below)
    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • October 22nd 9am-1pm Work Day at IRP hosted by Friends of Indian River Park
    • October 29th & 30th Tidewater Challenge Mountain Bike Race 
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration
    Thank You, Paul Panetta, for stepping up as the new trail captain of Marl Ravine at YRSP! Downed trees, etc, on Marl can be reported on EVMA Chatter, and tag Paul.

    Call for Trail Captain at Indian River  - IRP is nearly impossible to manage in a way that meets our trail building and maintenance standards, however, we remain committed to keeping trail access open, because it is the only legal mountain bike trail on the South side. South siders, we need your help! Contact Jim Irby to volunteer as a trail captain or in another capacity. Better yet, join us at the meeting this weekend to discuss what you'd like to help out with! Also, Mike Buff will thank you!  :-)

    Call for Ride Leaders - You need not be an expert rider to be a ride leader! Please help out and volunteer to lead a ride - pick your favorite park and your favorite trail, and contact ride coordinator, Penny Rich, to add it to the ride calendar!

    Opportunities for Young Riders

    • Colonial Revolution middle school and high school mountain bike team has started practice for the Fall NICA league race series. Interested middle and high school students can see more information at http://www.colonialrevolution.com/ and should contact Head Coach, Mike Lang for information on practice dates and how to join.
      • Business Owners - Colonial Revolution is in need of sponsors! To play a part in building a nationwide scholastic mountain biking league starting in your own community, contact Mike Lang at the link above.


    • Sept 23rd - 25th Fall Camping Trip at Douthat.   SIGN UP is open

  • August 18, 2016 8:05 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Here's what's happening this weekend in the crazy world of local mountain biking!

    Events this weekend

    • August 20th 9am Road Trip to Pocahontas. Meet at the Croaker Park & Ride lot at 8:15am (Croaker Rd at Rochambeau) See the Facebook Event Page for more info, and to RSVP.
    • August 21 9am Group Ride at New Quarter Park

    Dirt Divas

    • Dirt Divas now have their own Group Page on Facebook! Get the latest news on local women's cycling events and group rides.  Join Here
    Future Rides and Events
    • August 27 (am - 3pm) Estuaries Day at York River State Park - watch for ride announcements. Interested in leading a group ride or volunteering? Contact Penny Rich.
    • August 28 1pm-3pm New Quarter Park Williamsburg Youth Racing Fall series Pre-ride. Race Dates: September 11th, 25th, & October 2nd. October 9th rain date. Registration opens at 12:45, Races begin at 1:30
    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • October 22nd 9am-1pm Work Day at IRP hosted by Friends of Indian River Park
    • October 29th & 30th Tidewater Challenge Mountain Bike Race 
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Freedom Park Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration

    Call for Trail Captain at Indian River  - IRP is nearly impossible to manage in a way that meets our trail building and maintenance standards, however, we remain committed to keeping trail access open, because it is the only legal mountain bike trail on the South side. South siders, we need your help! ContactJim Irby to volunteer as a trail captain or in another capacity. Better yet, join us at the meeting this weekend to discuss what you'd like to help out with!

    Call for Ride Leaders - You need not be an expert rider to be a ride leader! Please help out and volunteer to lead a ride - pick your favorite park and your favorite trail, and contact ride coordinator, Penny Rich, to add it to the ride calendar!

    Opportunities for Young Riders

    • Colonial Revolution middle school and high school mountain bike team has started practice for the Fall NICA league race series. Interested middle and high school students can see more information at http://www.colonialrevolution.com/ and should contact Head Coach, Mike Langfor information on practice dates and how to join.
      • Business Owners - Colonial Revolution is in need of sponsors! To play a part in building a nationwide scholastic mountain biking league starting in your own community, contact Mike Lang at the link above.


    • Sept 23rd - 25th Fall Camping Trip at Douthat.   SIGN UP is open

    Keep the rubber side down, & we hope to see you at a ride this weekend!

  • August 16, 2016 8:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Estuaries Day at YRSP - Group rides. We are looking for volunteers to lead group rides and help with food. Also this is a great opportunity to get involved with the Friends of YRSP Group.


  • August 04, 2016 9:32 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Here's what's happening in the wild world of local mountain biking!

    Events this weekend

    • August 6th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides. EVMA Membership Meeting & lunch at noon at the Interpretive Center. Regular & vegetarian lunch options will be provided (bring a few buck to donate towards food costs). Fell like cooking (or shopping)? Bring a dessert to share!
    • August 7th 9am Group ride York River State Park
    Future Rides and Events
    • August 20th 9am Road Trip to Pocahontas. Meet at the Croaker Park & Ride lot at 8:15am (Croaker Rd at Rochambeau)
    • August 21 9am Group Ride at New Quarter Park
    • August 27 Estuaries Day at York River State Park
    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration

    Call for Trail Captain at Indian River  - IRP is nearly impossible to manage in a way that meets our trail building and maintenance standards, however, we remain committed to keeping trail access open, because it is the only legal mountain bike trail on the South side. South siders, we need your help! Contact Jim Irby to volunteer as a trail captain or in another capacity. Better yet, join us at the meeting this weekend to discuss what you'd like to help out with!

    Call for Ride Leaders - You need not be an expert rider to be a ride leader! Please help out and volunteer to lead a ride - pick your favorite park and your favorite trail, and contact ride coordinator, Penny Rich, to add it to the ride calendar!

    Opportunities for Young Riders

    • Colonial Revolution middle school and high school mountain bike team has started practice for the Fall NICA league race series. Interested middle and high school students can see more information at http://www.colonialrevolution.com/ and should contact Head Coach, Mike Lang for information on practice dates and how to join.
      • Business Owners - Colonial Revolution is in need of sponsors! To play a part in building a nationwide scholastic mountain biking league starting in your own community, contact Mike Lang at the link above.


    • Sept 23rd - 25th Fall Camping Trip at Douthat.   SIGN UP is open

    We hope to see you at the meeting Saturday!

  • July 22, 2016 2:41 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Events This Week 

    • Nothing scheduled this weekend. As of this writing, Freedom Park trails are open. Most Saturday mornings, a group of EVMA riders meet up at YRSP at 9am, and also at Freedom at 9am.

    Future Rides and Events

    • August 6th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides. EVMA Membership Meeting & lunch at noon at the Interpretive Center
    • August 7th 9am Group ride York River State Park
    • August 20th 9am Road Trip to Pocahontas. Meet at the Croaker Park & Ride lot at 8:15am (Croaker Rd at Rochambeau)
    • August 21 9am Group Ride at New Quarter Park
    • August 27 Estuaries Day at York River State Park
    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 18th Chili Cook-Off and Winter Solstice Celebration

    Call for Trail Captain at Indian River  - IRP is nearly impossible to manage in a way that meets our trail building and maintenance standards, however, we remain committed to keeping trail access open, because it is the only legal mountain bike trail on the South side. South siders, we need your help! Contact Jim Irby to volunteer as a trail captain or in another capacity.

    Call for Ride Leaders - You need not be an expert rider to be a ride leader! Please help out and volunteer to lead a ride - pick your favorite park and your favorite trail, and contact ride coordinator, Penny Rich, to add it to the ride calendar!

    Opportunities for Young Riders

    • Colonial Revolution middle school and high school mountain bike team has started practice for the Fall NICA league race series. Interested middle and high school students can see more information at http://www.colonialrevolution.com/ and should contact Head Coach, Mike Lang for information on practice dates and how to join.


    • Sept 23rd - 25th Fall Camping Trip at Douthat.   SIGN UP is open

    Keep cool & have a great weekend!

  • June 17, 2016 4:23 PM | Deleted user

    Hello EVMA Members, 

    Events This Week 

    • Nothing scheduled this weekend. As of this writing, Freedom Park trails are closed. Please allow trails to dry before heading out for a ride, and help clear storm debris off of the trail if you ride! 

    Future Rides and Events

    • August 6th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • October 1st 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • November 5th 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides
    • December 3rd 9am Freedom Park: Group rides, Dirt Divas & Beginner Rides


    • Sept 23rd - 25th Fall Camping Trip at Douthat

    Have a great weekend!

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